Weekly Wrapup
We saw fewer new listings last week compared to the before week as some sellers are likely waiting until after this MLK long weekend to list. But none-the-less, a few homes caught our eye like a trio of mid-centuries – this one in Madison Park’s Canterbury, one in Magnolia, and another in Bellevue’s Enatai. On the newer side of things, this 2005 waterfront home is stunning, and this 2013 West Seattle home is pretty good. If you’re patient, there’s a pre-sale by Lev vel, whose Scandinavian style homes we like.
Last week we were busy listing a large townhome in Ballard with a bunch of upgrades and a mid-century Green Lake home that went pending in 2 days with 2 offers (almost 3!). We’re also busy prepping a few more great listings, giving us a busy start.
We also have some events coming up! A home buyer class, and save-the-date, we’re holding a happy hour at the soon-to-open Emerald sales gallery.
If you’re thinking of selling, let’s chat sooner rather than later, as we think it is best to beat the rush this year. And if you’re thinking of buying, the options will get better every week for many months.
p.s. just because real estate values have gone down, doesn’t mean your property tax will :(