A Trip To Trio
I visited Trio a few weeks ago (the same weekend I visited Gallery.)
It was 75% sold and they want to move the rest of the units before the end of the year. To that end there is a 4% selling office commission instead of the usual 3%.
I don’t have much nice to say about Trio. The building felt cheap and the interior was dirty. In particular I don’t like the screens they use that have cutouts for the opener, the drywall/paint job looked bad, the intersection between the carpet and the baseboard is off, some outlet layouts weren’t that well considered, and weird Mosler style access panels etc.
What I did like, and that few developments do is that the common area is combined with the lobby.
Usually the common area is buried deep in the building and I suspect sees little action. With this model I can imagine it becoming a real hub for the community.