Trace Getting a Neighbor At 1222 E Madison
If you bought on the east side of Trace it’s going to…
If you bought on the east side of Trace it’s going to…
I’m looking for a new media console/credenza to put a television on.…
Firehouse #12 is back on the market. It’s been off and on…
I’m finally getting around to finishing my place and I’m a few…
Last Trace post for awhile, I promise. Tonight we had the hand…
Trace North is at 35% sold: Thirty-five spaces already sold, with new…
Looking for a brightly colored loft? Check out this 19th Ave Loft…
I’ve been living at Trace Lofts for six months now and we…
Last time I talked to Ted, Trace developer, about pricing he was…
The restaurant going into the ground floor of Trace North and 12th…
We usually respond in about 15 minutes
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