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Reader Asks: Any Info on Capitol Hill’s Malden 8?

By July 18, 2011

Capitol Hill, Malden 8, Townhouses

Update 7/20: More definitive details about the project are here.

From an Urban Living reader:

I had a question for you. Recently, I saw a sign go up on Malden Ave (in Capitol Hill) for a property that was calling itself “Malden 8″…My guess is 8 townhouse type homes. Construction looks as if it just started, but I was curious if you knew anything about it.

Thanks, Manan, for the question – up until today, we were in the same boat as you :). Funnily enough, Matt got asked the same basic question in Oct 2010 about this exact  project but there was little to report at that time. Considering construction is moving forward as you said, here’s what I can now tell you about the project going up 1 block west of 15th.

According to the active project permit status with the DPD the address of 422 Malden Ave E is intended to have 8 units on it in a combination of 2 duplexes and 1 fourplex. Last we had heard about the address was when owner Delbyrne LLC was going through the permitting process for a 10 unit project in 2008/2009. It appears that plan has since been scrapped and now this 8 townhouse project is in the hands of Isola Homes of Renton.

Although I can’t say for sure that the drawings on Isola’s website for Malden 8 are the final designs, it is possible. Comparing the designs to the photos I snapped today and knowing it is 2 duplexes and a fourplex, it seems likely that the designs are at least close to the final product.

Malden 8

Malden 8

Malden 8

Today’s photos of the construction:

July 18 Construction - Malden 8

July 18 Construction - Malden 8

July 18 Construction - Malden 8

Other than that, I am unable to give you more specifics such as square footage, price, or estimated completion date; however, if the sign on the fence is any indication the units are meant to be Built Green. I placed a call to Drew at NWG Real Estate who appears to be marketing the project and will add to this post if additional details surface.

BTW: Don’t waste your time going to www.malden8.com – it isn’t currently live. If someone knows of an alternate site for Malden 8, please do share it in comments.