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Photos: Modern Home Tours Seattle

By October 2, 2012


Last weekend, Modern Home Tours made its debut appearance in Seattle by showcasing 10 modern homes throughout Seattle.  We were excited to take a peek into some of these houses that we had passed by and always wondered what their interiors looked like. While it was a bit challenging to make it to each house on the tour in the six hour time frame, Urban Living was lucky to visit 3 of the 10 homes.  At each site, we were pleasantly surprised to see big signs pointing out the home on display and both the homeowner and architects/designers on site to answer any questions we had.  Generally speaking, the tours were largely self guided and although each house had a respectable turnout, there was never a time when the home felt too crowded with people on the tour.

The 10 houses on the tour were scattered in neighborhoods throughout Seattle ranging as far north as Ballard and the University District, down to West Seattle and the Central District.  The three homes Urban Living managed to visit all had fabulous rooftop views and were impressively contemporary in design.  Read more details about the homes we visited below and click on the links to see the full photo galleries we snapped of each property.

1827 South Lane Street – A modern three story townhome designed by HyBrid Architecture.  In addition to the open, natural design of the house, we were charmed by this house’s backyard which included a koi pond. Click here to view the full photo set of this unit.

718 23rd Avenue South – Designed by Pb Elemental, this contemporary unit is a live-work space that is currently for sale.  The house’s current occupants will also have an estate sale of their modern and vintage art collection, many pieces of which are currently dispersed throughout the house. Click here to see the full photo set of this house.

1707 Dexter Avenue – These Stannard Conway units are impressively industrial in design, making use of a mix of exposed steel and concrete throughout the unit.  Among our favorite features of this unit included the cleverly secluded bathrooms attached to each bedroom, including the master bathroom with a skylight.  Click here to see the full photo set of this unit.