First day jitters
I feel silly posting this.
I bought what is surely a great place but I don’t think I’m alone here in having a serious case of second thoughts once you’re past the point of no return.
Why’s that? Tonight I visited my place twice and I should have been excited and ecstatic. I should have been bouncing off the walls. But instead I sat alone marveling at how small it was, how loud the traffic was, how its view wasn’t as nice as my current view and surprised that for half a million dollars they only included 3 lights (that’s right, the bedroom has NO lights.)
I met another resident tonight and she too seemed surprised and disappointed about how small her unit is (though I think her unit rocks; it may be small but it does feel big.)
I remember having these feelings the last two times I bought a place so I know it’s temporary and will only last a night. Once I get my stuff in there it will turn around and I’ll be super excited (hello multiple house warming parties!) Perhaps I’m overwhelmed that I not just need to move tomorrow but over the next week I need to do some serious work to the walls and then in the next few weeks and months I will have to furnish the place (I even have to get a new bed!)
And I feel really silly posting this because there was a homeless person outside our garbage area at my old place and I know most people can’t afford what I can afford. However home ownership is an emotional roller coaster and I don’t just want to share the pretty pictures.