Home / Houses / Capitol Hill / A Fabric Facade

A Fabric Facade

By September 3, 2012

Capitol Hill, Houses

A house on 15th Ave in Capitol Hill is turning heads for its colorful appearance and interesting use of fabric for its facade.  At the heart of this yarn is…yarn.

Seattle artist Luke Haynes (pictured in the center photo) used about 500 pounds of yarn to wrap the one-story house in hand-made blankets. “The inspiration was the community and the hands that it took to make the items are now holding up the old building,” said Haynes, an architect turned artist.

Working with yarn turned out to be more forgiving than  Haynes had anticipated. “With the help of a staple gun, it went up very quickly,” he said.

Lest you think some developer decided to experiment with the new material, this is a temporary art installation. The “yarn house” was home to a book store and will again later this year. The Capitol Hill Seattle blog has more details.

The fabric facade, between Coastal Kitchen and Victrola Coffee, will stay in tact for about two months before it is untangled for the new book store.