Fearless Home Fix-It Workshop THIS SATURDAY
An Urban Living reader wrote in letting us know about a home fix-it workshop this Saturday that she loved when she took it, “I took this workshop last year and it was perfect. Demystifies many basic concepts that somehow I never picked up.” We talked to the organizer and there is still room if you’re interested!
This fun, hands-on workshop will equip you with a better understanding of how your home works, the confidence to repair many common problems, and the skills to tackle a multitude of projects. Absolutely no experience necessary!
Three experienced, patient tradespeople – a union electrician, a general contractor, and a retired union carpenter – have teamed up to teach this one-of-a-kind workshop. Participants will be working in small groups with plenty of individual attention and practice that will leave you ready to release your inner handy-worker on your own projects and repairs.
The workshop will focus on three main areas:
- Take the Power
- Basic electricity, basic safety
- Change a wall outlet
- Troubleshoot and fix a lamp or light fixture
- Plumbing 101
- Unclog a stopped-up drain
- How a toilet works and how to fix it
- Repair a dripping faucet
- Up Against the Wall
- Fix and patch cracks, dings and holes in walls
- Hanging and attaching how-to for any type of wall
Saturday, Sept. 28, 11am – 3pm
$40 fee includes coffee, tea and bagels.
All the tools and materials needed will be provided.
New Freeway Hall
5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
(On the #7 bus line & near the Columbia City light rail station. Wheelchair accessible.)
Class size is limited to 15 – advance registration and payment is required
For more information or to register, please contact Kathleen Merrigan
at 206-919-7629 or [email protected]
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