Gridiron Condos Pricing Released

Gridiron condos in Pioneer Square has released 26 out of 107 condos today for reservations.
Here are the quick facts on the first phase:
- Studio: 463+ square feet starting at $382,400 ($826/sf)
- Open one 1BR: from 628 square feet starting at $459,790 ($732/sf)
- 1 BR: from 670 square feet starting at $460,030 ($686/sf)
- 2 BR: from 1,142 square feet starting at $943,380 ($826/sf)
The way the reservation process works is that you put $10,000 down now and that reservation will roll into a purchase and sale at some time in the future. The reservation is refundable.
Interested? I’d be happy to help you navigate buying a place.
Otherwise, the sales center hours are Saturday and Sunday 11am-4pm, Thursday, Friday and Monday 12pm-6pm. The sales center is at 510 Occidental Avenue South.